Gas vs. Wood Fireplace: A Head-to-Head Battle for Comfort

In the early days of winter, the head-to-head battle between gas and wood fireplaces begins. On one side, the wood fireplace is trying to maintain its century-long reign, and on the other, the modern and sleek gas fireplace is fighting to secure its role as a man’s best comforter. A pile of logs or a propane tank rental, who will stand victorious? Let us find out.

Round 1: Convenience

Before igniting the flames in a wood fireplace, you would have to carry the logs indoors by hand and place them in the fireplace. After that, if the fireplace runs out of wood, you would have to add more, just like before. But the process of igniting a gas fireplace is so easy that it almost feels like cheating. With a simple flick of a knob, your fireplace will start warming your home within seconds.

Result: Gas fireplaces take the point.

Round 2: Safety

Using a wooden fireplace involves carrying a lot of heavy logs. During this process, you can injure yourself at any time. On top of that, if you do not keep a close eye on your wood fireplace, the lashes of the flame from the fireplace can damage your home severely. But none of these are problems with a gas fireplace. You just need to get a proper fuel tank rental for your home. After that, the gas kept flowing into the fireplace at a steady pace for hours.

Result: Gas fireplaces take this point as well.

Round 3: Cleaning

A wood fireplace piles up a lot of ash from the burnt wood. If the flame flickers a lot, the ash can get into the room as well. So, when cleaning the fireplace, you have to remove all these ashes and clean all the black spots that they leave. On the other hand, with a simple wipe, you can clean your gas fireplace every day.

Result: Gas Fireplace takes the point for the third time in a row.

Round 4: Aesthetics

It is undeniable that a wood fireplace would add a lot more to the interior aesthetics of your home as compared to gas fireplaces. But there are several companies in the market that design fireplaces with a very futuristic design and a sleek look. And as many of the homeowners install the rental propane tank under the house, even the exteriors get a much cleaner look.

Result: This one is a draw.

Final Round: Eco-Friendliness

Both gas and wood fireplaces emit smoke and carbon while heating the room. But if you compare them head-to-head, the carbon emission from burning wooden logs is much higher than that from burning propane.

Result: The gas fireplace takes the last round and wins the battle in a landslide.

Find a Propane Tank Rental for a Home That Is Worthy of the Victor

After knowing the results of the battle between the two furnaces, choosing the right type will be child’s play for you. So embrace the change now and get the best propane tank rental for your home from Steve’s Propane. This way, you will be assured of warmth as the champion will reside in your home and provide you protection and comfort from the cold.